Murder | Apparition In this episode of Rescue Mediums: Overlooking Darling Lake is a huge mansion built by Aaron Churchill as a summer home for his family. Travelers on the road have seen the ghostly apparition of a woman moving […]
Jackie and Christine arrive on the prow of a Lobster Fishing boat to investigate a house that was home to a small child who drowned many years ago and his anguished mother. The Rescue Mediums get in touch with a […]
Missing person and murder. The home’s occupants have seen manifestations on their walls and in glass doors and have actually taken a photograph of what appears to be a ghostly soldier standing outside their home. But a far more significant […]
Bed & Breakfast | Haunted Theatre Collingwood, Ontario, is a holiday destination for thousands of vacationers. It is also home to the stunning Beild House, a bed and breakfast that was once owned by a prosperous physician who fell deathly […]
This home, surrounded by a small farming community and overlooking the lake, is haunted by at least three spirits. Many people have told of a presence that brushes by them in the night and the feeling of a little girl […]
Much has improved in this home where floating heads were seen on the stairs and the backyard had old graves beyond the homeowner’s fence. (As seen in Rescue Mediums S02E08.)