Ghost Asylum

Ghost Asylum

A turn-of-the-century asylum built on a lonely mountain top in central Illinois has a past of untold mysteries, like 4000 numbered graves and rumors of many more that lie hidden. The dead are silent no more. Paranormal Investigators are slowly […]
Dead Whisper

Dead Whisper

Join Robbie Thomas along with the Indiana Ghost Trackers on a scientific and psychic journey that will amaze you. Experience startling new photographic, audio, and other visual evidence of apparitions and disembodied voices. (Ron James.)
It Could Happen Tomorrow

It Could Happen Tomorrow

A compelling documentary exploring the subject of Extraterrestrial Presence and the disclosure movement. Many prominent experts weigh in with their evidence and views on why we are not alone. What is being held back from us? What do we really […]
Wake Up Call

Wake-Up Call

Experience something few humans will ever see. Fly over crop circles that appear in the summer and fade into the fall harvest. Tour fantastic megaliths. Watch rare footage of crop circles being created by balls of light! (Ron James.)