RM S03E07

Rescue Mediums S03E07: Ghostly Attachment (Cambridge)

Near the banks of a fast-flowing river, this modest home has nearly all of its human occupants awake at night. Shadows and bumps and loud conversations are the norm. The daughter has been whispered at and her hair touched while […]
RM S03E11

Rescue Mediums S03E11: Heavy Metal (Galt)

Sinking bones. This old stone home sits on a quiet suburban street. Not much unusual here… except that a sinkhole in the garden contains a ribcage, giant chandeliers move of their own accord, and screams and banging emanates from inside […]
RM S06E01

Rescue Mediums S06E01: The Reiki Room Romp (Courtice)

The homeowner has felt the terrifying experience of being dragged out of her body by some unknown force. Her reiki room might be the portal. The Rescue Mediums are being watched as they search the home’s exterior for clues and […]
RM S06E06

Rescue Mediums S06E06: Hannah And No Sisters (Hamilton)

A young couple fears for the safety of their children in a house that is crying out for help. The residents dread the onset of darkness and feel the spirit watching them. The Rescue Mediums attempt to re-unite two lost […]