Phasmophobia S01E08

Phasmophobia S01E08

Exploring the world of psychics. Participants are briefed on buildings being investigated with some planted false information to see the influence on perception. After a crash course in psychic development, they’re sent to do lone vigils with nothing but a […]
Phasmophobia S01E01

Phasmophobia S01E01

A new team is formed and they kick off at a disused former mental health facility. Follow participants as they attempt to investigate on their own and find out what is real and what is not.
In Tenebris S01E01

In Tenebris S01E01

Set in the historic village of Coal Creek, Andrea Kaldy, a medium, and Beth Luscombe, a paranormal investigator, travel to Melbourne to meet up with the Australian Paranormal Society. Team medium Lionel uses his traumatic life experiences to connect with […]
The Search for Australia’s Bigfoot

The Search for Australia’s Bigfoot

The Yowie are known to predate Australian colonial times. An Australian indigenous culture mentions encounters with the Yowie dating back hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of years.This documentary follows a journey through Australia’s New South Wales to locations where sightings have […]
Phasmophobia S01E04

Phasmophobia S01E04

As the night moves on, activity lures them from one end of the building to the other, causing the team to split up with dire consequences. Things quickly escalate after the alarm goes off in a locked off area of […]
My Project UFO

My Project UFO

A documentary about a young woman’s journey in search of witnesses, evidence, and explanations regarding UFO phenomena. Interviews with experts, witnesses, UFO enthusiasts, and other professionals offer mixed perspectives and ideas. For the hardcore believer, skeptic, and those sitting on […]
Phasmophobia S01E03

Phasmophobia S01E03

The crew is joined by Dr. Tony Jinks on an investigation of an abandoned health care facility with a long history of outstanding phenomena. Set in the middle of the woods, the paranormal enquirers dive into this dark, foreboding building.
Phasmophobia S01E02

Phasmophobia S01E02

Ward 9 yields some interesting results, while Ward 10 proves to be too much for our participants. The doctor’s cottage that once had a bear pit next to it may be a hive of activity.
In Tenebris S01E02

In Tenebris S01E02

Pushing boundaries again, the investigator and the medium, representing two opposite though not opposing sides of the spectrum, put the dreaded Ouija board to the test. With some provocation, assertion and a good dose of curiosity, this episode will make […]
In Tenebris S01E04

In Tenebris S01E04

On the 10th anniversary of her disappearance, Lateesha Nolan’s family have decided to engage a paranormal team to attempt to get answers about her murder. Her murderer now in prison having been captured after a 7 year long manhunt, her […]
Phasmophobia S01E09

Phasmophobia S01E09

The quest into the unknown continues as Andrea puts two challengers through the psychic test. With some twists and turns and the occasional scream, this episode pushes the limits of paranormal reality and poses the vital question: what is real?