RM S03E05

Rescue Mediums S03E05: Pulling A Few Strings (Dartmouth)

The icy waters of the North Atlantic surround this port-side town and the Rescue Mediums get much more than they bargained for, once again! A long-dead family member of the homeowner comes to help in the rescue and a puppet […]
RM S02E07

Rescue Mediums S02E07: Disturbing the Spirits (Maple)

A road leading to a new subdivision of family homes has been widened and has disturbed the resting ground of many spirits. This young family has experienced all manner of visitations: shadows, noises, movements and having their names called out […]
RM S02E08

Rescue Mediums S02E08: A Garden of Graves (Palgrave)

Sharing a property line with a local cemetery, this century home in scenic Palgrave, is home to the final resting place of an innumerable amount of souls. The homeowners have experienced a wide scale of spiritual activity, but none have […]
RM S03E07

Rescue Mediums S03E07: Ghostly Attachment (Cambridge)

Near the banks of a fast-flowing river, this modest home has nearly all of its human occupants awake at night. Shadows and bumps and loud conversations are the norm. The daughter has been whispered at and her hair touched while […]

Rescue Mediums S01E02: The Lady In Gray (Petrolia)

Haunted Petrolia | The Grey Lady The birthplace of the world’s oil industry is the target for this episode. A stunning Victorian house is home to the spirit of the Grey Lady, seen at the top of the stairs by […]