Rescue Mediums91 Videos

RM S02E06

Rescue Mediums S02E06: Chasing Ghosts (Kirkfield)

This mansion, built in 1896 for Sir William Mackenzie and his wife Margaret, has ghosts in every nook and cranny. While filming this episode there was a complete power outage in the area and a tree split and crashed down […]
RM S03E05

Rescue Mediums S03E05: Pulling A Few Strings (Dartmouth)

The icy waters of the North Atlantic surround this port-side town and the Rescue Mediums get much more than they bargained for, once again! A long-dead family member of the homeowner comes to help in the rescue and a puppet […]
RM S07E12

Rescue Mediums S07E12: Bath

The Rescue Mediums have been called to a gentle home with some very dark spirits. The homeowners have been woken up with shaking beds and footsteps. Alison nearly succumbs to the dark spirit’s strength.
RM S01E04

Rescue Mediums S01E04: Possession (Oshawa)

Demonic spirits in Oshawa A small home in Oshawa seems to be home to terrifying, almost demonic spirits. The Rescue Mediums uncover layers surrounding the haunting that point to the owner being the source of the psychic disturbances.
RM S02E07

Rescue Mediums S02E07: Disturbing the Spirits (Maple)

A road leading to a new subdivision of family homes has been widened and has disturbed the resting ground of many spirits. This young family has experienced all manner of visitations: shadows, noises, movements and having their names called out […]
RM S04E01

Rescue Mediums S04E01: Over The Rainbow (Hillsburgh)

In one of the oldest villages in Ontario stands a home that has undergone extensive renovations. It sits on a lot that was once used as a town dumping ground. A dumping ground for many things, possibly including unwanted bodies. […]
RM S02E08

Rescue Mediums S02E08: A Garden of Graves (Palgrave)

Sharing a property line with a local cemetery, this century home in scenic Palgrave, is home to the final resting place of an innumerable amount of souls. The homeowners have experienced a wide scale of spiritual activity, but none have […]