Michael’s Blog 5: Strangely Strange but Oddly Normal
Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of Rescue Mediums…
He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now.
There were some strange happenings while filming seven seasons of Rescue Mediums, as you can imagine! Many of the crew had their own unique experiences, as did I.
On one occasion, I was driving back to the city with one of our researchers when, out of the blue, blood started pouring from my nose! I had to pull over and wait it all out for about ten minutes. It was a very disconcerting feeling. While mentioning it the next day to Jackie, we both came to the conclusion that I had not grounded nor protected when we went to the property, nor had I when we left. I then remembered blood was part of the previous day’s investigation. Could my nosebleed have been the spirit’s way of saying, ‘gotcha,’?
I’ve had my hair pulled when no physical person was even near me; I’ve felt icy temperature drops in rooms; I’ve often heard whispering voices—not from the corporeal world. As many of us have, I’ve frequently glimpsed movement and shadows out of the corner of my eyes.

In the beginning, these events would truly frighten me. But as time went on, and with Jackie’s affirmations, I became quite used to them and the fear went away. Having said that, I am rarely the first person to walk down to a dark basement! But the fear is gone because I now believe that it is spirit getting my attention, letting me know that they are there. Nothing sinister or threatening, just a form of communication that I try to stay open to.
Talk about strangely strange! As I am writing this blog, recalling the nosebleed experience, it has just started again! I think spirit may have a wicked sense of humour! [Michael made sure to tell everyone about the nosebleed he was having at veryparanormal headquarters! -Hecate]
Just waiting for my hair to be pulled and the whispering to start…!

The other striking thing was the number of orbs we picked up on our cameras. Especially during the primary investigation and then the following rescue.
In addition to Jackie, Christine, and Alison, the psychic mediums, the entire crew brought a special energy to the filming. We would all need to ground and put protection around us, and most of us would remember to not take any attachment away with us. Most of us.