Alisons got your number – September 2021 numerology forecast
As I write this month’s forecast, I’m looking out at a tree blowing wildly in the wind looking much like a character from ‘Fraggle Rock’. Not sure which direction it’s going in and this is how I feel September will be for you. Under the vibration of the number 5 this could well be true as 5 is neither one thing nor another but in the middle of the 9 year numerological cycle.
September is all about change, whether it’s children going back to education giving you freedom to do what you want to do, or perhaps students themselves embarking on new adventures. Whatever it is embrace it and use the experience to learn more about yourself.
For me September doesn’t really know whether it’s coming or going. Will it stay warm and sunny? Or will it become chilly and autumnal? It’s right on the cusp of a seasonal change and that’s how it will feel for you. Use this month to experiment with different avenues of thought or action in preparation for the months ahead.
You can view my forecast for the year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62
Alison can also be found at Feathers Academy https://www.feathersmediums.co.uk