Michael’s Blog 3: Churchill Mansion
Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now.
December 11, 2015
At the end of Season One of Rescue Mediums, we were fortunate enough to visit Nova Scotia, Canada, and explore the wonderful Churchill Mansion. So named after infamous sea captain, Aaron Churchill.
This episode was made for conventional television and had to be 23 minutes and 30 seconds in length. Such is the wisdom of conventional TV! As a result, there were many tales from the Mansion that we could not include in the episode. Moving forward, thankfully, on veryparanormal, we will have no such restrictions with new episodes of Rescue Mediums we hope to make in the future. They can be the length that is needed to get the entire story told.
But back to the Mansion. We arrived in an absolute blizzard! This photograph shows the arrival method we decided on – a cart pulled by two yaks. Very Nova Scotia indeed!
Once inside the Mansion, we were greeted by Bob, the owner, and shown our various rooms for the duration of our stay. That’s when one room got weird. One of our camera assistants, Kelly, was billeted into a downstairs room. On the first night, she felt very uncomfortable: couldn’t sleep and reported that she felt she was being watched. No windows in the room at all. But, maybe, she WAS being watched! Through research, we found out that this was the room where some dead people were laid out before going to their graves. Creepy.
On one day of filming, I recall looking out of the door of my room and distinctly seeing someone, or a shadow, standing there. It disappeared. One of the showers in one of the rooms, during the investigation, suddenly spurted to life!
There was always a feeling of being watched by an unseen force whenever we were in the building. It was not disturbing, just curious.
We moved around the property and came across Aaron’s grave. I cannot remember who took this photograph, but the mists swirling around his grave were certainly not fog. It was a clear, clear night. This is something that did not make it into the TV episode, along with the story of the “Lady of the Lake.” It is said that she occasionally walks from the lake across the street to the doors of the Churchill Mansion and no-one is sure why. Was she a jilted lover of the sea captain?
This was an exciting episode to film, and I recall vividly daily goosebumps as I felt I had just walked by a spirit on the stairs!
Wow! I’d love to see a series on what cast & crew experience while an episode of Rescue Mediums is being filmed!