Ash Ramsunder’s Good Vibrations blog – The Gift
The Gift
It began as a wondrous moment in my greatest despair. Spirit reaching out to flesh, Eternity reaching out to the temporal, High reaching down to low, the Infinite reaching down to the finite… And as I sat there contemplating on HOW to take my life (not whether or not I should take it), I had my own spiritual encounter as mentioned in previous articles.
I realise that I was given a wondrous gift amidst the greatest chaos of my life. I now understand it to be necessary part of my journey – one that I had agreed upon prior to me making my way here. My soul objective is to bring healing to people – both directly and indirectly. Healing is so much more than me just writing up a prescription and letting the drug do the work. Now, my sphere of healing (in addition to medical diagnosis and prescription-filling) is to bring people to the highest intention of themselves and to help them remember the power that exists within them, and within us all. My purpose is to introduce people first to themselves, then to God/Source/Creator, and then to step aside and back away after they have remembered their own unique identity of Who they are (self-realisation), Whose they are (God consciousness) and Why they are here (Soul Purpose)…
Everybody has a voice within them. Some call it conscience, others call it the Holy Spirit. Some call it instinct, others call it their guardian angel. Some call it their Soul, others call it the voice of God… But whatever we call it, there is no denial about its existence. For me, this voice has led me and guided me throughout my life – or attempted to do so even when I was the one who was stubbornly standing in my own way. It often began as a simple “suggestion” or feint whisper but after my spiritual experience in 2016, my connection to the voice within is now a lot more dramatic, distinct, profound and undeniable.
This voice has protected me from physical danger (and head injury) by telling me to take two large steps to the right – and then watch a brick fall from above, literally seconds later, to the exact spot where I was standing. This voice has also given me the names of people I would meet during the day and what I needed to do when I met them. This voice, too, has also shown me which companies to invest in and then have me watch in absolute awe as their value grew to over 300% within months.
This voice has also counseled me and brought invaluable wisdom and insight during particularly trying situations. It has taught me about the power of thought and the responsibility of choice. It has also advised me as to who I needed to be wary about, and also who I needed to draw closer and reach out to. It has guided me as to who I should embrace and who should I release with love. I have found myself saying things to complete strangers and then have their eyes fill with tears and then have them tell me how much they needed to hear those exact words. And whenever I sit down to write, the voice is present, ever-present, and always ready to co-collaborate and inspire.
Having my spiritual experience in 2016 and being religiously Christian at that point raised a lot of questions at that time as a lot of the topics and questions that I had and was “remembering” was taboo. But since then, I have moved beyond that and as I deepened within, I abandoned a “religion” with God and embraced a Relationship with Him. My goal as a Christian is no longer to fit in within the rigid constructs and belief of religion but rather to endeavour to become more Christ-like. To demonstrate unconditional love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness not only to those who believe like, pray like me or quote scriptures like me, but to extend that to ALL of humanity. This is the fundamental and untainted teaching of Jesus – and of all the great teachers who walked the Earth.
As I began to “remember” certain aspects of spiritual truth, the most difficult that I found to accept (at that time in my early development) was reincarnation. Deep within me, I KNEW that I had been here before, countless times. Everything began to feel so vaguely familiar to me. And as I began to delve deeper within myself – whether through meditation, deep praise and worship, or even a solo walk through nature – I sometimes found myself “remembering” words, phrases and idioms of different languages that I did not speak and from cultures that I did not (currently) share a heritage with.
And worse, a visit to a past-life regressionist only led me to verbalize an hour and half of spiritual wisdom and concepts (most of which were also foreign to me at the time), but I did not mention any past lives. It was more of a teaching lesson to the therapist who feverishly scribbled away on her notepad as I spoke statement after statement without pause or hesitation.
So after many months of searching and inner conflict, I decided to ask in prayer.
“Please give me proof – some proof, ANY proof – of reincarnation.” I earnestly asked.
Almost immediately, the voice presented itself in thought. “You have been given proof. You have read the books, perused the articles and watched the accounts of others in documentaries. You search for Truth among facts but find none. Your situation is not one of belief, but rather unbelief. You ask the question but refuse to hear the answer. Only a vessel that is empty can be filled.”
I implored further, “I NEED to read about it in the Bible, otherwise I cannot believe in it at all. I have searched in it but have found no mention of reincarnation anywhere.”
The voice gently proceeded further. “There was a time when the Bible today was not the Bible of before. Reincarnation and other spiritual concepts were not only discussed but generally accepted as truth by the early believers. Much of what has remained in your scripture today has been diluted because of the heavy censoring of Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea to avoid heavy dispute in the Church and to prevent the collapse of Rome.” (*this is a historical fact which I had only learned about through this encounter and researched only AFTER this).
“This is why you have the eighteen missing years of Jesus in the Bible. In the book of Matthew, you encounter Jesus as an infant being smuggled into Egypt and then back to Nazareth after the death of Herod. The immediate chapter thereafter describes not his childhood and adolescence, but of Jesus being an adult and being baptized by John the Baptist. Why would there by eighteen missing years of the central figure and key character of the Bible? Jesus did teach about reincarnation and other aspects of spirituality that empowered the everyday man and woman – which is why he amassed a following of thousands. Much of these teachings have been removed which is why you have the missing years of Jesus. But one remains, beloved – and this is the answer that you seek. Read Matthew 17 and find your answer.”
Immediately thereafter, I pulled out my Bible and hurriedly paged through to Matthew 17.
“Matthew 17: After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.
As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”
The disciples asked him, “Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”
Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.”
I shivered as I read this.
In truth, I must have read this passage hundreds of times before but when I re-read this under the insight, wisdom and tutelage of the Voice, I got my answer. Jesus not only referenced reincarnation but he also plainly declared that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated.
Since then, whenever I read my Bible, I always ask for deeper, hidden revelations.
A while after this experience, I was given a marvelous gift which further confirmed this teaching about reincarnation to me. I had a very profound and vivid dream – it was one of those dreams that you wake up from and cannot deny the clarity of the experience.
In this dream, my current older brother and I were sitting on a couch in the house that we grew up in. We were just randomly having a conversation and after a while, my brother got up and left and I was alone on the couch. Suddenly, another young man walked in through the door with the broadest, warmest smile and with outstretched arms. He appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties, was quite tall with strong shoulders, had short blonde hair, green eyes and just swooped me up and engulfed me in a massive hug.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this! I’ve been waiting so long for this!” he kept repeating while hugging me and fussing over me. I have to be honest, I enjoyed the attention.
This handsome man felt extremely familiar to me and I felt an immediate kinship and bond. It was like one of those moments where in everyday life, you know a face but you just can’t seem to place it and you only remember the person after they have gone by. It felt exactly the same.
He sat next to me and hugged and held me as I did the same with him. He told me how immensely proud he was of me and continuously kissed me on my cheek and forehead. He then informed me about certain changes that were going to occur in my life (all of which have since come true). And then he told me something else which still makes me quiver within as I think about it.
He told me that in our previous lifetime, the three of us (meaning him, my older brother and I) were brothers. He then told me that in this current lifetime, the three of us were meant to be brothers again and that this is what we had all agreed upon. He revealed to me how, long ago, preparations were being made for him to incarnate but he then decided not to and apologised to me for this. He told me the precise reason for him not wanting to incarnate in this lifetime – I won’t divulge this private matter due to the sensitivity of everyone concerned. He then told me that he often visits me; that he will always be like a big brother to me and will continue to be so whenever I needed him. Just before he said goodbye he told me that he wanted me to bring this dream up to my mother when I had met her.
About a week or two later, I visited my mum. We were sitting at the dining room table talking about everything and nothing at the same. I randomly remembered the dream and brought it up casually, not really expecting anything but to fill the room with more pointless chatter.
As I went into detail about the dream – about the handsome man, his revelation about our past lifetime and him having planned to come into this lifetime as a third brother but eventually choosing not to – I noticed the look of absolute shock on my mother’s face. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her jaw had literally dropped. She remained completely speechless and her hands continued to clench tighter on the coffee mug…
Eventually when she regained her composure and as the story seeped into her being, she then began to tell me something that both my older brother and I knew absolutely NOTHING about. She told me how she kept this a complete secret from us and was utterly astonished as to how I knew…
It turns out that my mum had fallen pregnant a few years after marriage. She was delighted about the pregnancy but had suffered a miscarriage late in her first trimester. She had lost a baby boy.
To the brother I had known in another lifetime, thank you for this gift. I love you.