Alison’s got your number June 2021 numerology forecast
June 2021
Now for the month of June you would expect us to be on the numerological vibration of 2, however calculations bring June to the master number of 11 which is where my instinct lies.
For me it’s more of the same as last month but in a higher intensity. If you haven’t made an attempt on new beginnings now is the time to really sink all your energies into it. I asked you to be patient but sometimes patience can wear thin and you need to dig your heels in and act, but act with confidence and positivity. Your goal/s are within reach.
If you haven’t already, now is definitely the time to ask for help. Remember I referred to the number 1 as being upright and commanding, and I suggested you stood tall and faced challenges head. Well now we have twice that with 11, therefore two of you can be more persuasive but keep your feet on the ground and do not compromise your principles.
Safety in numbers but always in love and positivity.
You can view my forecast for the coming year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62 and at www.feathersmediums.co.uk