Spirit Sessions AVOTL Teresa Klan The Simplicity of Heartmath S8E4

Spirit Sessions AVOTL Teresa Klan The Simplicity of Heartmath S8E4
Teresa is a wayshower, light being, teacher, speaker and a multi-dimensional and multi-sensory intuitive and empath. As a young girl she was gratefully blessed with a full-on illumination experience of unity consciousness that imbued a mysterious light of purity in her heart that allows her to connect with high level beings. With her blessed illumination experience happening at such a young age, she’s been able to capture the mastery skills over many decades that’s needed to dream-weave together threads of multi-disciplinary spiritual knowledge, skills and wisdom for enlightenment and healing purposes.
Incorporating her mastery skills of the akashic records, energy work, intuitive arts and many more modalities she supports people internationally in aligning with their light by discovering who they are, where they are in their journey and what are the next steps.With uncommon insight and intuition that blows us all away, Teresa has the profound capacity in working with her guides and yours to create an entirely new phenomena within you, freeing you to realize your truth and light. This opens your path so you can live with clarity, self-trust, personal empowerment, inner validation and vision.
This is for in-person services, including Heartmath. https://inwardsmarket.com/
Season 8!! Now live Sundays on Facebook at Spirit Sessions A View of the Light and YouTube here every week at 12 pm eastern/9 am Pacific. Subscribe to our channel to binge-watch our archive of past shows. / spiritsessionsaviewofthelight
Also, check us out on Jessica Dugas’ https://thebreakthroughshownetwork.com/
And Jackie Dennison’s UK https://www.veryparanormal.com
You can also listen to our show on Spotify Podcasts by searching for Spirit Sessions A View of the Light or on our favourite podcast platform.
So enjoy our content while going about your daily life! Find more information about our guest hosts for this season below (in alphabetical order):
Jessica Dugas Website: http://www.jessicadugas.com
Nancy Louise Facebook: / nancyscatmagic11
And contact the founding hosts for more information about their own healing modalities here: Teresa Warren contact: / teresa.warren.332
Bex Marie Divinely Guided Inspirations with Bex Marie Faceboook: / divinelyguidedinspirations
Rhonda Elliott Cerulean Forest Reiki Facebook: / ceruleanforestreiki

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