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RM S04E01

Rescue Mediums S04E01: Over The Rainbow (Hillsburgh)

In one of the oldest villages in Ontario stands a home that has undergone extensive renovations. It sits on a lot that was once used as a town dumping ground. A dumping ground for many things, possibly including unwanted bodies. […]
PRISM – Villisca Axe Murder House

PRISM: Villisca Axe Murder House

Eight people were viciously murdered with an axe in this house in Iowa in 1868. The murderer was never found and it remains Iowa’s oldest unsolved mystery. During this investigation, we can hear remarkably clear EVPs of two of the […]
Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Part 1

HPP: Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Part 1

Shadowy figures alleged to have been seen and voices saying “murder” and “get out” bring the HPP team to Nanticoke Valley Cemetery in Union, New York.

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes Episode 10

Did the crew ever want to try and rescue the rescue mediums from spirit during filming ? How did Jackie and Alison feel about being pinched and punched by an angry spirit? and what happens when the cameras stop rolling? […]