RM S05E04

Rescue Mediums S05E04: The Bogeyman In The Bathroom (Preston)

Historical haunted house This riverside town is teeming with history, and this home has two historical figures in it! The homeowners constantly feel they are being watched, their children wake up screaming, and swirling lights can be seen frequently.
RM S02E04

Rescue Mediums S02E04: Suburban Spirits (Agincourt)

Since 1997, strange happenings have been occurring in this beautiful, antique-filled suburban home. The family has been bothered by poltergeist activity, their two dogs become agitated weekly and often stare into space for hours, the kitchen radio spews static—even when […]

Ghost Story competition winner ASH RAMSUNDER

Thank you to everyone who entered our New Year Ghost story competition. The judging panel were really impressed by the quality of work submitted. So much so that it was difficult to determine an outright winner and there was a […]

Edna’s Blog 3: The Resolution

March 15, 2016 Edna Dargie was the Head Researcher for every episode of Rescue Mediums. As a retired school principal, she brought her professionalism and love for historic accuracy and detail to the show. Edna’s blog is about her experiences […]
RM S07E10

Rescue Mediums S07E10: Father Knows Best (Ironwood Rd.)

A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]
The Fortress

SKPI: The Fortress

Josie and John walk through corridors and narrow spaces in a Spanish Civil War Fortress and experience several EVP incidents.