Ingraham Hill Cemetery Part 1

HPP: Ingraham Hill Cemetery Part 1

Claims that people have seen many glowing orbs at the Ingraham Hill Cemetery in Vestal, New York, bring the HPP team out to see if any can be captured on camera.
Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Part 1

HPP: Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Part 1

Shadowy figures alleged to have been seen and voices saying “murder” and “get out” bring the HPP team to Nanticoke Valley Cemetery in Union, New York.
St. Patrick’s Cemetery Part 1

HPP: St. Patrick’s Cemetery Part 1

Rumours of a ghostly figure bring the HPP team to St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Broome County, New York, where they attempt to contact any spirits or presences which may be lingering there.
Unnamed Cemetery Part 1

HPP: Unnamed Cemetery Part 1

Rumours of ghostly voices of children at play bring the HPP team to an unnamed cemetery in New York State for an intriguing evening of ghosthunting.

Indico Paranormal: Echovox

An echovox is a method of contacting the spirit realm by letting the spirit manipulate pre-established syllables and words. In this recording, Sadie, the director of Indico, is told by the spirit that it wishes to attack her!

Interview: Brad Mavin from PROO(f)

January 25, 2016 Brad Mavin is the founder of PROO(f) (Paranormal Researchers of Ontario; the (f) is the unknown factor in the investigation: fear). He’s been interested in the paranormal since his early childhood. Ghost stories are part and parcel […]

Interview: Mark Larocque & Trevor Bishop from OGPS

(pictured: Mark & Trevor) January 5, 2016 OGPS Filming & Investigations was founded in early 2010 and is Ontario’s first openly gay paranormal society. They’re breaking down the walls within the paranormal world & the LGBT community. They’ve been filming […]

Interview: Sadie Forth of Indico Paranormal

November 25, 2015 Sadie Forth started actively investigating paranormal phenomena “properly” in 2013 with a local group. She founded Indico Paranormal later that year when her passion to understand her past ghostly experiences and a desire to help others caught […]