00:02 Paranormal Seekers: Scugog Shores Lee House The group attempts to contact the previous deceased owner of the home via electronic means. Hecate May 13, 2016 367 0
00:03 Paranormal Seekers: Scugog Shores Lee House 2 The group continues the quest for contact. Hecate May 13, 2016 185 0
00:08 Paranormal Seekers: Scugog Shores School House Orbs An investigation with various electronic detection devices that has surprising results. Hecate May 13, 2016 276 0
00:05 Paranormal Seekers: Scugog Shores School House REM During this second visit, a song is played and a spirit reacts. Hecate May 13, 2016 234 0
Promo Video: Battleground Hotel Museum – Niagara Falls, Ontario The OGPS team place trigger objects and use other devices to see if they can detect any ghostly energy in the old building in Niagara Falls. Hecate September 12, 2016 244 0
Promo Video: Willoughby Historical Museum Part 2 – Usser Creek Murder – Niagara Falls, Ontario Here, the OGPS team investigate a murder from many years ago to see if they can find any residual energy. Hecate September 12, 2016 255 0
00:03 SKPI: Dance of the Orbs A man and two women chat in a dark room when suddenly small orbs appear, move, then disappear in dancing form. Hecate May 12, 2016 221 0
00:02 SKPI: Investigation 25 April Recorded groans and sighs during an investigation in an old structure. Recorded spirit-like sounds while investigator tries to communicate. Hecate May 12, 2016 152 1
00:05 SKPI: Investigation Menorca Kitchen A paranormal investigator hears footsteps in an abandoned house’s kitchen, goes to investigate further, and tries to communicate with the spirit. Hecate May 12, 2016 167 0
00:06 SKPI: Josie Scrying Josie makes contact with a spirit through mirror scrying, with intense shivering, at a former 1850s coaching inn. Hecate May 12, 2016 211 0
00:04 SKPI: Santi Contact Josie works with a friend so that he can feel what a spirit suffered in Menorca, Spain. Hecate May 12, 2016 171 0
00:29 SKPI: Station 468 SKPI team walks around in a WW2 Control Tower, now a museum, and connects with spirits who served there. Hecate May 12, 2016 176 0