Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes

Rescue Mediums’ Behind The Scenes is an exciting and interesting look at what goes into and what happens during the making of Rescue Mediums. The hosts, Jackie Dennison and Alison Wynne-Ryder are joined in video chats by the show’s producer, […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes, season 2 ep 4

The residents of the house hear ghostly foot steps, and feel they are being watched. Previous psychics have refused to enter the property. So how did the Rescue Mediums react when they were confronted with an angry male spirit and […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes S3E3 Halloween Special

In ‘All Hallows Eve’ tradition, the Rescue Mediums team share some of their darkest and scariest experiences whilst filming the series. Who was the invisible energy that Edna encountered whilst doing her research ? What did Producer Michael Lamport endure […]

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 1

Episode 1 of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes An interview by Sandy Duncan with Michael Lamport, Producer/Narrator/Writer Edna Dargie, Director of Research Jackie Dennison, Clairvoyant Medium & Psychic Artist/Host

Rescue Mediums ‘Behind the Scenes’ S4E6

Super fan Shannon Bolger joins the Rescue Mediums team to talk about one of her favourite episodes. ‘Mirror Mirror on the Wall’ S5E10. This haunting takes place in Innisfil where a Mother and her 2 daughters have been experiencing some […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes Episode 10

Did the crew ever want to try and rescue the rescue mediums from spirit during filming ? How did Jackie and Alison feel about being pinched and punched by an angry spirit? and what happens when the cameras stop rolling? […]