Season 413 Videos

RM S04E01

Rescue Mediums S04E01: Over The Rainbow (Hillsburgh)

In one of the oldest villages in Ontario stands a home that has undergone extensive renovations. It sits on a lot that was once used as a town dumping ground. A dumping ground for many things, possibly including unwanted bodies. […]
RM S04E07

Rescue Mediums S04E07: Campground Capers (Ponderosa)

The Ponderosa Campground: some residents live year-round and some come and go in the summer. Some never leave at all. Four suicides and several inexplicable deaths have occurred on the property, and many residents testify that they have witnessed a […]
RM S04E08

Rescue Mediums S04E08: A Ghostly Detention (King City)

The manager of an old school house and her assistant were recently moving some items down to the basement when they were stopped in their tracks by a deep, terrifying growling. They dropped what they were doing and had the […]
RM S04E04

Rescue Mediums S04E04: Disturbing the Graves (Red Hill)

This ancient indigenous area on the Hamilton Mountain has been the subject of many disputes. In a subdivision near this settlement is a small bungalow with a problem. The owners are Cree natives and they are being haunted by three […]
RM S04E10

Rescue Mediums S04E10: Neigh-sayers No More! (Harrowsmith)

A small, idyllic horse farm sits near the famous Wilton Cheese Factory. Occupied by Lorraine, a Kingston hospital nurse, her husband, a Canadian Military officer, and their daughter. Lorraine feels at home with the spirits, but not so for the […]
RM S04E03

Rescue Mediums S04E03: A Ghostly Art (Georgetown)

The street is quiet, but not so this home. Two girls will not sleep in the basement bedroom and do not even like being in the house. Pictures have flown off walls and electrical appliances are turned on and off. […]
RM S04E12

Rescue Mediums S04E12: Spirits in the City (Dane Ave)

In the Northwest part of Toronto, Joe and Mary built their dream house eighteen years ago. A lavish interior on a quiet residential street where they could bring up their two children, Suzanne and Neil, now 25 and 28 years […]