Rescue Mediums91 Videos

Rescue Mediums S01E02: The Lady In Gray (Petrolia)

Haunted Petrolia | The Grey Lady The birthplace of the world’s oil industry is the target for this episode. A stunning Victorian house is home to the spirit of the Grey Lady, seen at the top of the stairs by […]
RM S05E07

Rescue Mediums S05E07: A Sinking Feeling (Clarington)

In this suburban house, the daughter and the mother have experienced increasingly difficult ghostly matters. Shaking beds, portals, and whispers are changing the way they live. They need the Rescue Mediums to close the door to the otherworld in order […]
RM S06E13

Rescue Mediums S06E13: Lettuce Pray (Cabbagetown)

This big-city home has had ghosts around it for years. The Rescue Mediums watch as the spirit moves through a wall to another apartment and feel they must follow. A family reunion and a happy ending may be in sight.
RM S04E10

Rescue Mediums S04E10: Neigh-sayers No More! (Harrowsmith)

A small, idyllic horse farm sits near the famous Wilton Cheese Factory. Occupied by Lorraine, a Kingston hospital nurse, her husband, a Canadian Military officer, and their daughter. Lorraine feels at home with the spirits, but not so for the […]
RM S03E04

Rescue Mediums S03E04: Making Amends (Shelburne)

The Loyalist Inn is home to several guests and many spirits: among them a man who left the army and was promised land for his service. The land never came. The Inn has a long and checkered history and other […]
RM S07E11

Rescue Mediums S07E11: Nelson

A couple has things moving around in their home, but they have rearranged nothing. The previously skeptical husband has changed his tune and the Rescue Mediums uncover a ghostly presence who likes spirits –the drinking kind!