The Vortex: Everything Wrong with Political Auroras
(source: Space.com)
Ever seen the Northern Lights… from space? Here’s a gallery of “Amazing Auroras” from 2015 that includes a few from beyond the terrestrial. [via Space.com]
We know to take what politicians say with a grain of salt – they have completely biased motives for everything they say and do. But it’s especially intriguing when they go on record about belief or mere interest in aliens and UFOs, including their own personal encounters, because of the political and career stakes. [via Huffington Post]
What’s scarier than watching a paranormal horror movie? Being inside one. Paranormal Activity is coming to haunt your Virtual Reality headset and probably nightmares. The game is slated to be released this spring. Here’s a review of the fall demo. (SPOILERS for several of the demo’s scares.) [via Road to VR]
Speaking of PA, here’s a playlist of four funny videos for fans of the franchise pointing out “Everything Wrong” with them. These guys always get extremely nitpicky considering they target fictional entertainment (not documentaries), and are essentially ripping apart the necessities for cinema to exist, but they gotta up that count! (COMPLETE SPOILERS.) [via YouTube]
In need of paranormal investigators? Looking to join a team? Paranormal Societies has 3500+ listings for groups in the US. (Please note: a fair number of these are out-of-date.) [via ParanormalSocieties.com]
Hope everyone in northern climates are keeping warm today!