The Quirky Medium in Spain ‘Putting our own mark on it’
Putting our own mark on it!
The next few weeks saw us decorating, buying some furniture, and feeling happy that we were finally here and putting our mark on our new home. After a couple of weeks there was a knock at the door. The guy smiling at me introduced himself as our next door neighbour Niall and his daughter Taara. Although spelt differently, she has the same name as our cat! Niall said if we needed any help unpacking etc, to not be heroes, but to give him a shout. That first introduction was just the start of a beautiful relationship with such a lovely family especially when his wife Lucy and other daughter Keira arrived.
It’s amazing how, in this modern world, our lives are told through Social Media. Here are a few of the entries I shared with friends all across the world from my Face book timeline.
10th April 2014
Dear all please note I won’t have Internet for some time in Spain. Picking up where I can if you’ve emailed me pulse be patient. Thanks so much for all your good wishes. Pets arrived last night & are settling in well
10th April
Picking Internet from a cafe’ bar! So hi lovely FB friends hope your all having a magical evening. I’m so happy my pets are here, they were very stressed last night when they arrived but were so happy to see us. They are settling better now – it’s a fresh start for all of us.
12th April
Picking emails & FB messages up from apartment as don’t have Internet yet in the villa. Seems strange & yet peaceful! What did we do before electronic communication? Last night we had thunder & fork lightning. Very dramatic! Beautiful sunny day today – finding our way around – it’s great exploring! Our neighbours are lovely & made us so welcome. Pets settling in they were so nervous when they arrived on wed eve & we were so happy to see them. Libby isn’t well today so could I ask for healing for her please? I don’t know if it’s a change in diet or she’s been overwhelmed with all the changes…. I’ve given her some Reiki this morning & she’s a bit better. Tara cat is finding her furry feet by casing the joint! & Celeste cat is more of a home bird enjoying our new peaceful home. We have a lot to do but can take our time. Our furniture & personal items arrive at the end of next week & I will enjoy welcoming my angel figurines to their new home, & building my angel altar. Wishing you all a magical weekend. Adios amigos from sunny Spain!
13th April
Boo’ to all family & friends. Thanks so much for healing sent to Libby she’s much better today. She’s out with us making friends with people at our local bar. Bless her; she’s been so confused but doing well & enjoying being out with her mum & dad in the spring sun. Ole!
14th April
A day of sorting out! Ordered new furniture for the villa, (still waiting for the rest of our own & personal effects to arrive!).. Off now to look at cars, still driving a hire car… We are getting there, bit by bit. The synchronistic signs have been amazing since being here, and we had to laugh when our neighbour introduced himself and his daughter, her name is Tara! She says out of my two cats, that Tara is her favourite one. Thanks so much for the healing for Libby Loo, she is great now and enjoys a siesta every afternoon. I must admit I keep falling asleep, too! Must be all that sun! Take care amigo’s, enjoy your day, and catch up soon. Hopefully the internet will be in this week and we will have telly, too!
18th April
Happy Easter amigo’s. Lots of Easter celebrations going on here in Spain. We still have no Internet. We’ve had to come to our apartment in Almoradi to pick up emails. I’m trying not to get frustrated as I want to get started and catch up with everyone. The company said they’d be here yesterday to put a landline in, Internet connection & telly. We stayed in all day & guess what? Yup they didn’t turn up. They didn’t ring to let us know they weren’t coming! As Spain is shut (I kid you not) for the whole of Easter we won’t be able to get hold of them until Tuesday at the earliest. However the sun continues to shine & me John & our furry family are settling in well. My next project is to turn part of our under build into a spiritual oasis & angelorium. I can’t wait to get started! My online angel workshop is forthcoming in May & I have written some divine mediations to share with angel members.
Last night we had drinks with our neighbours then took Libby for a walk to ‘the crosses’. It’s normally so quiet so imagine our surprise to see thousands of people there… It was an enactment of the crucifixion & so very moving. Very powerful stuff. I took some photos but it was so dark they haven’t turned out well but the atmosphere was incredible. Out of the thousands there, it was complete silence, a Mark of respect of Easter which reminds us there is no end, only a beginning & that life takes on a new meaning. Easter also heralds springtime, everything that is fresh & new.
23rd April
Still no Internet lol it’s Spain & they don’t rush with anything. Should be in by end of next week (we hope)!! Picking up from a bar & having a baileys – yum! Cheers all.
24th April
Into our 3rd week in our new Spanish home. Pets are settled, we are settled, I am missing everyone, but looking forward to coming over at the end of May to see family & friends, then everyone landing on us in the summer holidays – can’t wait! Well, I’ve found out that nothing gets done quickly here, and I am getting used to it now. Bit by bit we are getting there, and the villa is looking like home now we have put our stamp on it. Some furniture from the UK, and new furniture, all looks lovely. Will put ‘before’ & ‘after’ pics on soon, once everything has arrived. Still no internet, and still no car, but it matters not as I can pick the internet up from the bar around the corner (yup, a couple of minutes walk), nice friendly place, and very handy lol! Making friends already. Our neighbours are lovely but one set have their villa as a holiday home and went back last night. 8 of us went for a Chinese meal before saying goodbye, but we will see them again in the summer. I woke up this morning with a big smile on my face and thought why? then I realised, the sun was streaming in through the window, Celeste was curled up by my feet, John was already up and reading the English paper he’d got first thing, and I felt such peace. The only thing missing are my family & friends, but we will be able to Skype eventually until we can hug everyone in person. Virtual hugs will have to do for now! Weather is glorious every day, but Monday night we had an exciting storm. See the pic above, so dramatic, fork lightening, and one side of the sky bright blue – the other, very dark as the thunder clapped! It rained for about half an hour, then the ground was dry again, as if it had never happened. So very strange, but beautiful all the same. Hope you are all having a magical time wherever you are in the world, sending love, & angel blessings to each & every one of you, and see some of you in a couple of months time! Buenos dias, amigo’s!
27th April
Lazy Sunday we enjoyed a stroll around town & back for a sit on the roof in the sun – I have my favourite spot! All I need now is a swing, & a cheeky vino in my hand. I am at present eating some fresh strawberries bought from the local market. Scrummy! My healing room is painted now a delicious shade of pale turquoise – so tranquil. Well can’t sit chatting for long (tapped into a neighbours internet lol!!). Naughty me. I am off now to get some Sun napping. Adios!
29th April
We’ve got our new car! & to celebrate our new arrival & my book prize we went out with our friends Kev & Shell. We had a lovely evening such good company & a good laugh too. I’m so proud of my book The Quirky Medium as I would have never imagined such interest in it – thank you to all who gave me such great reviews. I’m now relaxing on the balcony burning a massive citronella candle in the hope that the mosquitos will leave me alone while John watches the football. It’s so peaceful & warm out here with a gentle breeze. We are an hour ahead of the UK & it’s hard to think that here I am in my Jim jams sitting outside & I’m only 2half hours away by plane from friends & family in Cheshire. Incredible for 10pm.at night! Buenos Nochas from a relaxed Quirky Medium – Cheers!
14th May
It’s a beautiful sun-day! Had coffee el-fresco in Queseda now doing more work in the villa. The main part of our new home is mostly finished so we are now sorting out the under build – it’s all starting to look good. I love it that anything goes here, that each villa is different inside & I’m getting some wonderful ideas about the garden. I hope you like the lovely plants that are here already. I love my lemon tree which is a young one. I’m looking forward to it getting as established as one of our neighbours. His lemons are bigger than my fist & would go very nicely with a G & T! I hope your all having a fun weekend full of sparkles with a sprinkling of magic. Believe.
7th May
Sometimes, we just have to move on. We hold on as long as we can, whether it’s people, a home, or a situation. We get hurt, we mourn, we get attached. But very often the very thing that we are clinging onto is the thing that we just have to let go of. Life has a way of forcing our hand. Things are not always as they seem, so it’s much harder to deal with because what you thought was real, has crumbled and all you are left with is a broken dream. Don’t feel guilty for being emotional – remember that you are human, but the pain we go through is a life lesson – it makes us stronger – more resilient and determined never to let the same thing happen again. If the pain won’t go away, call upon your Guardian Angel to lift you to a higher place of being, to heal your heart and show you the next step on your spiritual pathway. Never look back, because destiny is around the corner. As one door closes, another one opens so feel proud of who you are, scars & emotional wounds, warts and all! Because you are a very special person indeed. Always remember that, and believe in yourself. Onwards & upwards!
14th May
Angel Prayer: – “Dear angels, please help me rise above anything that no longer serves me, and guide me to a place of serenity. Carry worry and stress away in your mighty wings, and surround me with a healing rainbow so bright. Let the darkness fade away, so I may see the light. Fill my heart with unconditional love, and give me strength and courage so I can take flight”. Thank you…
(For those who are in need, and especially written for a special young man who is going through a turbulent time right now. You know who you are). Love & blessings being sent to you.
16th May 2014
Productive day in more ways than one. Got some work done, then enjoyed a coffee in the Spanish village as I’m a local now lol! Trip to the garden centre for some beautiful plants, flowers & planters. Not had chance to plant them yet – will enjoy getting mucky up to my elbows in soil! That’s the kid in me!. Meditating on my swing, & I’ve got my new phone at last. In now chilling with a bottle of vino. Cos I deserve it! Have a magical & sparkly weekend to my lovely FB friends. Buenos Nochas!
17th May
Loving thoughts that manifest into the life you want will appear as if by magic when you believe you are worthy. Get plenty of fresh air enjoying the pleasure of Mother Nature, exercise, and eat healthy foods (although a little bit of what you fancy does you good of course – in moderation!). Let go of unhealthy relationships, worries of the past and people who are not around you for the right reason. Remember that you only have one life so you may as well enjoy it and have fun along the way! Gain control, get spruced up, dust yourself down, & walk the magical carpet of life. Experience wholeness which is a part of your creative design & of course, Believe.
19th May
So proud of my Mum (Joyce who is 80!) she managed to send me an e-mail from her Kindle today after saying on the phone she couldn’t work it. She’s figured it out by herself. Yes the e-mail only contained 6 words, but it doesn’t matter! I think she’s done extremely well! Carol and I will get her into the modern world yet lol! Hurrah for my Mum! who I will see again in a couple of weeks time.
27th May 2014
Happy anniversary to my soul-mate John Ellis . 12 years of total bliss? No…. We are human – & have had our ups & downs, but promote upside down frowns! Our paths could have collided years ago but we were both different people then, in relationships with the past. We’ve had many obstacles to climb but we vaulted over them together. Does true love run smoothly? In the real world? No. But do people grow closer over the years if they work at their relationship & support each other? Yes…. John is my hero, my other half & twin soul all rolled into one. Not many men would agree with their wife 100 per cent when she decides not to just jump over the lily-pad, but to abseil over it leaving a permanent job to work in Canada to live the dream! To have someone who trusts me implicitly, to love me unconditionally, to believe in everything I hold dear is a special man indeed. So I am raising a glass to my man – on our 12th Wedding Anniversary. Cheers m’dear love you with all my heart. We may not have found each other straight away, & carry scars of the past but I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I feel blessed & in our new life & home I’m the luckiest woman in the world. X
14th June (My birthday!!!)
Thanks so much for all my birthday wishes. The day didn’t pan out as we’d planned. I slipped last night in the villa & my foot twisted @ an awkward angle. A sheering pain shot up it & a sleepless night ensued. Went to emergency at health clinic where they pummelled my foot about & gave me an injection for the pain & bandaged it up. I was sent to the hospital for x-ray to check if is broken any bones. I have to say how fabulous the staff @ the hospital were – so efficient & friendly. However a long wait which is understandable as they have emergencies coming in all the time. X-ray determined no broken bones thankfully but a torn tendon which is so painful I can’t tell you. So a fab day out &!magical evening at a beautiful restaurant all went up in smoke. One birthday I’ll never forget. My new best friends are my crutches – just getting used to them. So I’ve got to rest now whether I want to or not. Pardon this expression but bugger being brave, I’m hurting so much I had a little cry on way home. What a wuss eh? Oh well, home at last so what’s on telly? Oh no it’s football!
15th June 2014
I feel like dancing. Oh I can’t, my foot is bandaged up and my crutches will get in the way. Oh well, I’m dancing in my head, and keeping John on his toes!
15th June 2014
Well I finally got from the settee to the balcony. What a palaver trying to hop over the step. At least I’m enjoying the fresh air but will have to make sure I don’t stick my legs out in the sun because 1 will look pure white when these bandages come off! John said I’m not a good patient lol – I’m so Independent & I hate asking him to pass me things I try to do it myself, wobble & get frustrated & then get reprimanded for it!
Well, I’d just like to say thank you for all your wonderful messages & for the healing. The pain is definitely not as intense today so bless you all, & I’m sending you a sprinkling of angel dust to bring you fun, joy & upliftment. For those of you who can share the day with your Dad’s – have a magical day together or if they are too far away give them a call, to let them know how special they are. I never got that chance as my Dad passed suddenly & without warning. Me & my Dad didn’t always get on, but I hold onto the good memories & the image of him when he was fit & well because that’s how I like to remember him. those of you who like me are thinking of your father in the spirit world, hold onto the good memories, know that their essence will always be with you. Here’s a big cheers to Dads both here & in the afterlife!
30th June 2014
It takes a lot for me to get on my soap box, and I usually ignore people who try to knock the work that myself, and other spiritual people do. Not one to usually blow my own trumpet, I just wanted on this occasion to let a certain person know that I like to help people (a lot of this is in the background and not discussed in public) by sending healing and guiding them along their spiritual path. I offer free advice, post positive spiritual affirmations and angel poems on FB & Twitter not to mention free articles on my website, and I have 3 beautiful and successful angel pages on Facebook which are co-managed by an incredible family of earth angels. I offer a helping hand wherever I can, attend charity events, and love the work that I do, occasionally feeling tired but always happy and content. However, there will always be someone that insists on wanting everything for nothing – stating that money should not be involved in spiritual work, and I totally agree that a major part of the work we do comes free, & from the heart. However, personally I wouldn’t book a reading with someone, or book myself on a course without expecting to pay for that persons time, energy, commitment and content. A constant stream of giving and receiving helps to raise ones consciousness and if you give give give without receiving, the momentum is lost and you will find it difficult to move forward, feeling lethargic and lost. The person in question turned out to be a troll, out to cause trouble, and I have banned them now from one of my FB angel pages (which if that person reads this, are free by the way!!) – I don’t want anyone negative on any of my pages, so by the click of a finger, they are gone!. I like to choose my friends wisely, and hope that you do, too. Don’t let anyone take your power – have your say, then distance yourself. Enough said, as I now hobble off my soap box to bid you goodnight as I settle down after a great meeting tonight, with a refreshing G & T. Sweet dreams everyone!