The Stumbling Spirit Podcast

Welcome to The Stumbling Spirit – Contemplations on the Path of Resilience.

Whether you realize it or not, you are resilient. It’s your birthright. As you take in your next breath, know this truth.

It’s not only about your capacity to overcome difficult situations, but it’s about your courage to do the necessary work to heal, learn, grow and move forward. What you gain is invaluable wisdom. And, it’s through these hard stumbles in life that we often discover a new purpose that aligns with our spirit.

My name is Fabio da Silva Fernandes – Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach and mystical explorer. Join me, as The Stumbling Spirit Podcast highlights the lives of extraordinary people, like you, sharing transformative stories and beneficial practices of resilience, to guide you on your wellness journey.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any corporations, organizations and entities they represent. Furthermore, the opinions shared by guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host and vice versa. Our podcast content is for informational purposes alone. No guarantee is given on the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on this podcast, for both spoken and written content. Please consult your own qualified and designated professionals for any expert advice (i.e. legal, medical etc.).

Graphic design by Canva Pty Ltd.

Royalty-free music and sounds by The Mountain, UNIVERSFIELD, SergeQuadrado and Pixabay provided by Pixabay GmbH.

2024 SOCAN Licence (Tariff 22.C) gives this podcast the right to communicate to the public by telecommunication any or all of the musical works in SOCAN’s repertoire by means of certain internet transmission or similar transmission facilities by a site ordinarily accessed to listen to audio-only content. SOCAN stands for Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada.


Podcast Links

Acast, AmazonAppleAudible, HeadlinerSpotify, YouTube


Social Media

Instagram: @thestumblingspirit and @restingbellwellness


S2.E5. For the Love of Dog | The Stumbling Spirit Podcast

Dogs are often called man’s best friend with some archeological evidence suggesting that domestication goes as far back as thirty-thousand years. Not only is dog ownership widespread, but evidence shows high rates of dog surrenders, abandonments and euthanasia in several countries […]

S2.E17. Spirit Counselling | The Stumbling Spirit Podcast

Renowned psychic-medium, Jackie Dennison, is one-half of the clairvoyant duo on the popular Canadian paranormal show, “Rescue Mediums.” For 7 seasons, Jackie and her partner-in-crime visited haunted houses to bring peace to both homeowners and lingering spirits. Rescue Mediums was […]

S2.E15. Existential Awe | The Stumbling Spirit Podcast

Psychedelic Therapy involves the use of mind-altering drugs, such as psilocybin, to help those who suffer from mental health conditions like depression and addiction. Still highly experimental and somewhat controversial, only a few countries have either legalized or decriminalized this […]